This deal has expired.

Sorry, but this deal is no longer available. All good things will eventually come to an end. But we've got other similiar deals that you may like!

Queenstown, Queenstown

How do I get this deal?

Discount applied when booking online or when you call 0800 286 4958.

what exactly will i get?

Take the quickest way down and get 15% off the Kawarau Bridge Bungy!

As you shuffle out to the edge of the Kawarau Bridge, heart pounding and mind racing, remember this – you’ve found yourself at the World Home of Bungy. This is the original 43M Bungy Jump!

Take the leap and save 15% off the Adult ($30.75), Student ($26.25) + Child ($23.25) price! Discount applied when booking online or when you call 0800 286 4958.

Wow!! Where can I get this awesome deal again?

AJ Hackett Bungy NZ

Kawarau Bungy Centre




Central Otago 9304

Who is this?

For over 32 years AJ Hackett Bungy New Zealand has been thrilling Kiwis and visitors with adrenaline-pumping adventures found at the end of a Bungy cord.
Our journey began back in 1988 and was fuelled by one crazy thought, a huge dose of adrenaline and one giant leap of faith. As a proud Kiwi company we now operate 13 activities across Queenstown, Auckland and Taupō where we inspire people to awesomeness by helping them do things they never thought they could.