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Auckland and surrounds, North Shore

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what exactly will i get?

Have you ever wanted to race on a track from your home town? Our Race car simulator has many tracks from all around the world for you and your friends to race on!

On any paid activity, you get a race car simulator race from any track in your home town!

Wow!! Where can I get this awesome deal again?


488 Lake Road



Auckland 0633

Who is this?

Step into Thrillzone, Queenstown and Auckland’s fun and high-energy activity destination!

Come play with us – indoor and outdoor! We offer an awesome range of exciting and adrenaline-fuelled attractions to choose from perfect for all ages…;

Enter our Escape Adventure and immerse yourself into a scavenger hunt around beautiful Queenstown. Find the clues and solve the mystery on time. Can you beat the clock?
Take a journey to the edge of reality with our 12D Motion Theatre. Experience wild roller coasters, creepy haunted houses and crazy jetpack adventures! Or discover worlds without limits and immerse yourself with 360° Virtual Reality, our state-of-the-art gaming adventure. You know you are just visiting, but your mind is convinced otherwise.
With various VR stations, single- and multiplayer, Thrillzone is the ONLY PLACE in the WORLD where you now can experience Omni VR and Hologate VR, both award-winning market leaders in Virtual Reality with cutting-edge technology, the latest gear and a huge range of different game options.
More into Racing? Test your skills on our brand-new DX Race Car Simulator! Buckle up for a realistic and thrilling racing adventure while your adrenaline is pumping!
Why not drive, spin & drift like a pro? Our 360° Drift Karts provide a unique experience like no other. Race to find out if you can control the rear drifting wheels. It’s fast, fun and full of action!
Or enter our 360° battleground arena for New Zealand’s most exhilarating indoor shooting activities! Experience action-packed gaming scenarios when playing, tactical Lasertag or Heroblast, Paintless Paintball or Bazooka Ball all with your very own referees and UNLIMITED ammo!

Queenstown’s ONLY Kidzclub – Leave the kids with us for unlimited fun while experiencing all our activities (popcorn & drinks included) while you enjoy Queenstown at your own pace. This is paradise for kids and adults!”