This deal has expired.

Sorry, but this deal is no longer available. All good things will eventually come to an end. But we've got other similiar deals that you may like!

West Coast, Franz Josef

How do I get this deal?

what exactly will i get?

Come and escape to Glacier country with your significant other for our "Couples Getaway" Scenic flights, 3 course dinner, and accommodation in one of our one-bedroom villas

This special costs $300 per person and gives you:

  • Accommodation in one of our one bedroom villas
  • A set menu three course dinner for 2 at The Landing
  • A 20 minute scenic helicopter flight with a snow landing with Heliservices!


Wow!! Where can I get this awesome deal again?

Glenfern Villas

2761 Franz josef Highway

Franz Josef Glacier

Westland 7886

Who is this?

Glenfern Villas offers luxurious one and two bedroom villas that are ideal for the discerning traveller. Roomy, luxurious, stylish and contemporary, apartment-style, self-catering accommodation in Franz Josef Glacier. We provide the high level of service you expect.