This deal has expired.

Sorry, but this deal is no longer available. All good things will eventually come to an end. But we've got other similiar deals that you may like!

Auckland and surrounds, Auckland CBD, Coromandel

How do I get this deal?

Use Promo Code: 40%OFFCOAST

what exactly will i get?

Coromandel Coastal Experience – Rejuvenating Kiwi Summer

Select Family Package (4 Adult & 4 Children)

Apply Promo Code: 40%OFFCOAST


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Who is this?

ExperienceKart – proud to be a New Zealand owned and operated family business based in Auckland. We specialize in offering a wide selection of tours and travel experiences in New Zealand categorised as Unique, Heritage & Adrenaline Experiences. We create incredible, invigorating & exhilarating experiences through spectacular journeys in New Zealand. We are committed to providing a professional service to our customers. We aim to make a difference in everything we do!